
Naturaler is a UK website full of tips and recommendations for living a more eco-friendly, chemical-free and natural lifestyle.

Old TVs and other appliances

How To Dispose of a TV in the UK

If you have an old TV that you would like to get rid of, you shouldn’t just put it in out with the rubbish. Putting televisions in the rubbish bin is illegal in many areas of the U.K. TVs, computer monitors and other electrical appliances fall under waste electrical and electronic equipment regulations. Old TVs […]

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Plastic bag in ocean

24 Quotes on Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems facing our planet right now. Thanks to brilliant documentaries such as the BBC’s Blue Planet 2 and campaigns by the likes of Greenpeace and the Plastic Pollution Coalition, we’re all becoming more aware of how much our daily habits can impact the state of our oceans. Plastic

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Printable Seasonal Food Chart (UK)

Eating seasonally puts us back in connection with the natural rhythm of the seasons. It’s also much better for the planet, as it doesn’t involve importing food from the other side of the world. Seasonal food also tastes better, as it’s fresher and hasn’t been artificially preserved for a long time. Seasonal eating encourages us

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