
Plastic bag in ocean

24 Quotes on Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest problems facing our planet right now. Thanks to brilliant documentaries such as the BBC’s Blue Planet 2 and campaigns by the likes of Greenpeace and the Plastic Pollution Coalition, we’re all becoming more aware of how much our daily habits can impact the state of our oceans. Plastic […]

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Plastic waste on beach

Plastic in the Ocean Facts

71% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water. We can’t live without the ocean: it produces more oxygen than the Amazon Rainforest and stores 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. The ocean is thought to be home to over 700,000 different species, up to two thirds of which have yet to be

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Sea turtle

How Does Plastic End Up in the Ocean?

The BBC’s Blue Planet II documentary series, which first broadcast in 2017, did a great deal to highlight the devastating effect plastic waste is having on the oceans and marine wildlife. The series showed shocking images of plastic-filled seas, which are becoming increasingly toxic and dangerous environments for whales, fish and other wildlife. It’s clear

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