Ethical & Eco-Friendly

Advice and recommendations on ethical and eco-friendly foods, drinks and other products for living a planet-friendly lifestyle.

Plastic free products

73 Ways to Use Less Plastic

If you’re looking for practical and easy ways to reduce your plastic use, you’re in the right place! In this guide we’ve listed 73 ways to use less plastic at home, work, the supermarket, cafes and restaurants, and while travelling. Plastics are cheap and convenient materials in the short term, but they are having a

73 Ways to Use Less Plastic Read More »


Is Cotton Biodegradable?

Most of us wear an item of clothing made of cotton every day, sleep in cotton sheets or use cotton wool as part of our daily beauty routine. But how much do we know about how cotton is grown and how it affects the environment? Humans have used cotton for thousands of years. Cotton balls

Is Cotton Biodegradable? Read More »